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Recent Stories

Live Fairfax is a bi-weekly column exploring Fairfax County. This recurring column is sponsored and written by Sharmane Medaris of McEnearney Associates. Questions? Reach Sharmane at 813-504-4479. Sold by Sharmane and Style by Valentine teamed up…

For this year’s Independent Bookstore Day, local bookworms will be encouraged to collect not just new literary titles, but also places to buy them. More than a dozen shops across…

RELAC Water Cooling will begin delivering air-conditioning services to residents and businesses in Reston’s Lake Anne area this weekend — ahead of its official launch date of May 22. The…

The cost of riding Metro trains and buses will go up, starting July 1, when the transit agency’s new budget takes effect. The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s (WMATA) board…


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